All over the districts extending from South-east Asia to China, a kind of processed starch food, the so-colled "starch-pearls", are distributed. These pearls are coated by partly gelatinized-retrograded starch to hold their shapes of round beads or dice, and are usually served as a jelly-like dessert. In the present report, 8 kinds of the starch-pearls purchased on the markets in Indonesia and Formosa were investigated. They differ greatly from one another in avarage size (4-460mg) but all of them swelled up about 8-10 times after boiling. The raw starch used were identified to be cassava starch except of two Formosan products made of sweet potato starch by a microscopic examination and spectra of iodine coloration. On X-ray diffractograms,...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage on the properties of potato starch. Star...
Starch is the most important carbohydrate in the human diet. Depending on botanical origin and genet...
All over the districts extending from South-east Asia to China, a kind of processed starch food, the...
Some chemical and physical properties of nine kinds of packaged starches for home cooking in Indones...
1.沖永良部島で栽培されていた, アカザカズラ(ツルドクダミ科)の塊根, アメリカサトイモ(サトイモ科)の塊茎, およびショクヨウカンナ(カンナ科)の塊茎から澱粉を抽出精製した.澱粉の収率はそれぞれの...
publisher[Synopsis] The shape, particle size distribution, gelatinization properties and β-amylase d...
2011-2013年度科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書 課題番号:23580175 研究代表者:北原兼文(鹿児島大学・農学部・教授)糊化後の粘度上昇が緩やかなデンプンを有する新規サツ...
江西万年仙人洞和吊桶环遗址是中国长江中游鄱阳湖流域旧石器时期(20~ 12kaB.P.)的重要遗址,出土有大量的蚌器.本文对两处遗址旧石器晚期地层(大约20~19ka cal.B.P.)出土的两件蚌器...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage on the properties of potato starch. Star...
[Synopsis] Barley grains were ground to separate into 8 fractions (A~H) from surface layer to the co...
Cytophaga sp. 36小時之培養液,去除菌體後做為生澱粉水解鋂之粗酵素液,經硫酸 銨沉澱劃分、DEAE Sepharose CL-6B離子交換層析及Sephac...
In the present study, the effect of different soaking and autoclaving treatments on structure, prope...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage on the properties of potato starch. Star...
Starch is the most important carbohydrate in the human diet. Depending on botanical origin and genet...
All over the districts extending from South-east Asia to China, a kind of processed starch food, the...
Some chemical and physical properties of nine kinds of packaged starches for home cooking in Indones...
1.沖永良部島で栽培されていた, アカザカズラ(ツルドクダミ科)の塊根, アメリカサトイモ(サトイモ科)の塊茎, およびショクヨウカンナ(カンナ科)の塊茎から澱粉を抽出精製した.澱粉の収率はそれぞれの...
publisher[Synopsis] The shape, particle size distribution, gelatinization properties and β-amylase d...
2011-2013年度科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書 課題番号:23580175 研究代表者:北原兼文(鹿児島大学・農学部・教授)糊化後の粘度上昇が緩やかなデンプンを有する新規サツ...
江西万年仙人洞和吊桶环遗址是中国长江中游鄱阳湖流域旧石器时期(20~ 12kaB.P.)的重要遗址,出土有大量的蚌器.本文对两处遗址旧石器晚期地层(大约20~19ka cal.B.P.)出土的两件蚌器...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage on the properties of potato starch. Star...
[Synopsis] Barley grains were ground to separate into 8 fractions (A~H) from surface layer to the co...
Cytophaga sp. 36小時之培養液,去除菌體後做為生澱粉水解鋂之粗酵素液,經硫酸 銨沉澱劃分、DEAE Sepharose CL-6B離子交換層析及Sephac...
In the present study, the effect of different soaking and autoclaving treatments on structure, prope...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage on the properties of potato starch. Star...
Starch is the most important carbohydrate in the human diet. Depending on botanical origin and genet...